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How to get to Crab Island

Many people go to Destin for the beach. One thing that happens is not many people know about Crab Island. Crab Island is known for being a sandbar that many people can go to. There are certain times that you can go to Crab Island in the year. This is a really fun place to go with family and friends while soaking up the sun. A question that many people usually ask talks about getting to the sandbar. Something to note is there are actually a few different ways you can get to Crab Island or see above the area. Here are some ways you can get to Crab Island. 

Island Runner Cruise

One way you are able to get to Crab Island is on an Island Runner Cruise. The Crab Island Shuttle can help you get to where you need. This can help get you to Crab Island and able to see the sandbar close. The Crab Island Cruise in Destin, Florida, will be able to take you through the area. These Crab Island Tours will allow you to learn more about the history of Crab Island. You will also learn how it became such a popular place to visit. This is an exciting thing to do as you are still having fun. You are also learning in a fun way that does not come off as boring. Getting to Crab Island by the Island Runner Cruise is a great way when you have a group coming along with you. Make sure to check out what Crab Island Runner has in store for you.  

Pontoon Boat

Another way you can get to Crab Island is by renting a pontoon boat. Renting a pontoon boat is a favorite way to be able to get to the sandbar with a group of people. While renting the boat, you will be able to have your belongings with you on the boat. When using a pontoon boat, just make sure someone in your party is able to drive it, or you have to fill out a boating license. Make sure before heading over to the boat that you bring what you need for the time you’re on there. When going to Crab Island by a pontoon boat, there are many things to go onboard with. Make sure to remember an ice chest, towels, sunscreen, a speaker, and many other things that will be needed during your time on the boat. 

Jet Ski Rentals

Jet Skis are a fun way to head over to Crab Island. Jet Skis are great if you want to feel like driving on water since that is basically what you are doing. The speed that jet skis can contribute is very high speed. The best part of renting a jet ski to go to Crab Island is being able to go at your own speed. Jet skis are known for going really fast, so just make sure of your surroundings before going really fast on them. These will give you the freedom to explore Crab Island by zipping through the pack. Another thing is when you get to Crab Island by jet ski make sure to look at your surroundings as it can get pretty busy this time of year. Now go rent a jet ski and have fun!


This is a little different, but something cool you can do is parasail over Crab Island. This allows you to see Crab Island from a different perspective. This fun watersport lets you be able to see the area more from above. While in the air, make sure to check out all that is around you. The best way to describe parasailing is basically you are flying but are attached to a boat. You are also not as high up as a plane, but you go up about 400 feet in the sky. When up in the air, you will be able to see all of Crab Island. This will give you the whole sandbar shape from above. Parasailing is very fun as you are up in the sky seeing things you really can not see on the ground. While above, you will feel like you are floating. 

Dolphin tours

When you are trying to figure out how to get to Crab Island, one thing you should try is going on a dolphin tour. These tours allow you to get as close as you can to the animals. By seeing the dolphins, you will learn about facts from an expert guide. These kinds of tours are personalized experiences. This means that each time someone does one, it will be a different experience in a positive way. Seeing dolphins potentially so close is a really cool thing to experience. From this experience, you will be able to create lasting memories for a lifetime. Remember to capture the moment, so make sure to remember to pack your cameras for this once-in-a-lifetime moment. 

Private Cruises

A final way that people can head over to Crab Island is by renting out a private cruise. Enjoy the sandbar on one of the 15’ lily pad as you take in the sun. Renting a private cruise to go to Crab Island is a great idea for big groups of people. This can include a birthday celebration, a bachelor or bachelorette party, or just a themed party. If you decide on a private cruise then the tour includes some fun activities. First is a chance of potentially seeing some dolphins and maybe even other marine life. The next thing is the tour includes an educational cruise in a fun way of course. Lastly, you will not need to stress at all while on board the private cruise. Sit back and relax and enjoy the cruise. 

Time to head over to Crab Island

Now this is a list of ways to head over and see Crab Island for all its worth. There are so many ways to be able to see and experience going to Crab Island. Whether that be going on the Island Cruise Runner or renting a Jet Ski to go lightning speed. Basically you just have to figure out what attraction fits best for you and your group. Luckily Crab Island Runner has many options for you to choose from and book. Just make sure to read everything you need to do before booking and heading over. Have fun heading over to Crab Island!